Partners Universal International Research Journal en-US (Editor) (support) Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Cultivating Sustainability: The Development and Potential of Cell-Cultured Beef Rice as a Novel High-Protein Food Alternative <p>The increasing issues that conventional livestock production faces in terms of resource consumption, animal welfare, and environmental effect are driving up demand for sustainable sources of protein in the worldwide market. This study explores the novel idea of "beef rice," a high-protein, cell-cultured dish created by researchers at Yonsei University in South Korea. Combining the advantages of plant-based and cell-cultured meat substitutes, beef rice has a higher nutritious content and a lower carbon impact. We include background information on the need for sustainable protein sources, a summary of the current state of cell-cultured meat and plant-based substitutes, and an introduction to the idea of beef rice and its possible benefits in the introduction. The special method of cultivating cow muscle and fat cells inside rice grains—which act as a scaffold for cell growth—is described in the methods section. We also examine the nutritional value of beef rice and contrast this manufacturing method with other methods of cultivating meat in cells. The advantages of producing beef rice for the environment are highlighted in the results and discussion section. Beef rice produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions and uses a great deal less energy, water, and land than traditional beef production. When the nutritional values of regular rice, conventional beef, and beef rice are compared, it can be seen that while the protein content of beef rice is still lower than that of conventional beef, it does include more fat and protein per 100 grams. Still, the researchers think that more refinement could make beef rice's protein content higher. The uses for beef rice are numerous and diverse. Due to its short growing season, little resource needs, and excellent nutritional content, it is a good option for military rations, space food, and food aid initiatives. Notwithstanding these benefits, the effective commercialization of beef rice will still require consideration of several obstacles and potential paths. In order to gain consumer acceptance, sensory qualities including taste, texture, and smell must be addressed. Although the texture and scent of the existing beef rice are marginally different from regular rice, further study may concentrate on enhancing these sensory aspects. Prior to beef rice being a food product that can be sold commercially, there are still issues that need to be resolved, such as increasing production and getting past regulatory barriers. Ethical and consumer acceptability play a major role in the launch of any new food technology successfully. Customers who are concerned about the moral ramifications of conventional livestock production and genetically modified organisms may find beef rice to be more agreeable because it does not require animal killing or genetic manipulation. On the other hand, it is crucial to communicate with the public in an honest and open manner regarding the advantages and methods of producing beef rice. To sum up, this study report provides a thorough examination of the advancement, possibilities, and obstacles associated with cell-cultured beef rice as a high-protein, sustainable food substitute. Although there are challenges ahead, the manufacture of sustainable protein from beef rice presents a bright prospect. It is important to investigate the significance of beef rice in the larger context of sustainable protein substitutes. Additionally, prospects for future research and development should be on refining and commercializing this novel technology. Through promoting cooperation among scientists, industry executives, and policymakers, we may fully realize the potential of beef rice and make a positive impact on a more secure and sustainable global food chain.</p> Dr. A. Shaji George Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Organic-driven Strategy vs. Vendor-driven Strategy: A Comparative Analysis of Strategic Approaches in Business <p>In today's dynamic business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking strategies that can propel them towards sustainable growth and competitive advantage. This research paper delves into the comparative analysis of two distinct strategic approaches: organic-driven strategy and vendor-driven strategy. The primary objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of these strategies, their respective characteristics, advantages, and the factors that influence their adoption. The study employs a mixed-methods research design, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. Extensive literature review and in-depth interviews with industry experts and executives form the basis of the qualitative data, while quantitative data is gathered through surveys and analysis of publicly available financial reports and case studies. The key findings reveal that an organic-driven strategy emphasizes internal innovation, gradual expansion, and a focus on organizational culture and proprietary knowledge. In contrast, a vendor-driven strategy relies on outsourcing non-core activities, forming strategic alliances, and leveraging external resources and expertise. The comparative analysis highlights the distinct advantages and potential drawbacks of each approach, as well as the factors influencing their adoption, such as industry dynamics, company size, and strategic objectives. Furthermore, the research unveils the emergence of hybrid strategies, where organizations combine elements of both organic and vendor-driven approaches to optimize their competitive position and achieve their goals. Best practices and real-world examples are provided to illustrate the successful implementation of these hybrid strategies. The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by offering a comprehensive framework for strategic decision-making, enabling organizations to evaluate and choose the most suitable approach based on their unique circumstances. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed, shedding light on the potential impact of these strategies on organizational performance, innovation, and long-term sustainability. While the research provides valuable insights, it acknowledges limitations regarding generalizability across industries and regions. Recommendations for future research include longitudinal studies to assess the long-term effects of these strategies and the exploration of emerging trends, such as the impact of digital transformation on strategic decision-making.</p> A. Shaji George, S. Sagayarajan Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Economic Impact of Destination Weddings: Assessing the Effects of Outsourcing Indian Wedding Tourism <p>This research paper examines the growing trend of affluent Indian couples opting for overseas destination weddings and assesses the resulting economic costs in terms of lost domestic income and tax revenue. With estimates that nearly 5,000 rich Indian weddings now occur abroad each year, the paper aims to quantify the financial leakage and explore policy options. A cost-benefit analysis framework is utilized, collecting primary data on the higher expenses of foreign weddings compared to domestic events. Interviews with Indian wedding planners provide additional context on factors driving this trend, such as perceptions of overseas venues as more prestigious. Financial modeling techniques are leveraged to estimate impacts on GDP, jobs, and taxes due to redirected consumption abroad. Findings indicate that overseas weddings result in an annual economic loss between $10.5 billion to $14 billion for India, depriving the country of between $1.5 billion to $2 billion in tax collections. This suggests the recent public appeals by Prime Minister to encourage Indians to “Wed in India” carry real economic weight, rather than reflecting mere nationalism. Compelling financial data exists showing how the overseas wedding trend negatively impacts domestic small businesses and artisans as well. However, restrictions on Indian destination weddings also risk unintended consequences and run against liberal ideals. Policy options are weighed such as incentives to boost domestic wedding tourism. The paper recommends a balanced approach, increasing public awareness of economic trade-offs while letting personal choice prevail. Creative options like a voluntary “wedding fund” could allow couples opting for foreign venues to dedicate a portion of expenses to support women artisans back home. Further research around optimal policy responses is still required. But the paper signifies the first systematic effort to quantify the macroeconomic effects of overseas Indian weddings using microeconomic data on altered consumption patterns.</p> Dr. A. Shaji George Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Leveraging Industry 4.0 for Efficiency Gains in Food Production <p>Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution, is transforming manufacturing through emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, big data analytics, automation, and the Internet of Things (IoT). This research paper examines how food production factories, including dairy, juice, bakeries, and poultry, can leverage Industry 4.0 to drive efficiency gains. The introduction provides background on Industry 4.0 and an overview of its potential applications in food factories to improve productivity, quality, traceability, and decision-making. The paper delves into key technologies like cyber-physical systems, IoT, robots, sensors, and smart machines that enable the collection and analysis of production data in real-time. Examples demonstrate how early adopters in the food industry are already employing these technologies to optimize processes. A significant portion of the paper analyzes the benefits of implementing Industry 4.0 in food factories, such as increased efficiency, flexibility, speed, quality control, and cost reductions. However, adopting these advanced technologies also poses challenges, including upfront costs, technical skills gaps, data security risks, and organizational resistance. Recommendations are provided for mitigating these challenges through strategies like training programs, pilot projects, collaboration with technology partners, and security measures. Overall, the paper argues that Industry 4.0 holds tremendous promise for bringing food production into the digital age and helping companies maximize quality, safety, and efficiency. The conclusion summarizes key points and emphasizes how leveraging Industry 4.0 can help food producers gain a competitive advantage through optimized, data-driven manufacturing. While recognizing adoption barriers, the paper highlights the substantial upside for companies willing to embrace Industry 4.0’s innovative technologies and data-centered approach to transform their operations.</p> Dr. A. Shaji George Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Daṇḍa nāṭa Tradition in Odishan Culture <p>The Daṇḍa nāṭa tradition is an ancient and distinctive type of folk theatre that began in Odisha. This traditional art form is an essential element of Odishan culture and has been practiced for generations in various parts of the state. The Daṇḍa nāṭa tradition is culturally significant in Odisha, reflecting the state's rich heritage, mythology, and folklore. The performances are usually based on legendary legends and explore themes such as good vs evil, love and devotion, and human values. The performances feature a group of dancers doing elaborate dance steps while holding sticks, producing a rhythmical sound that adds to the overall attraction of the show. The ritual has developed throughout time, with numerous alterations made to keep up with current circumstances. However, it is still highly valued in Odisha, and numerous cultural organisations are attempting to maintain and promote the art form. Daṇḍa nāṭa performances are popular among both residents and visitors at various festivals and events around the state. The Daṇḍa nāṭa tradition is a crucial part of Odishan culture, highlighting the state's rich past, mythology and customs. Its continuous popularity and relevance underline the importance of preserving and promoting it for future generations. The current research seeks to give a thorough knowledge of the tradition's historical and cultural importance, change across time, and contemporary condition. This study analyses literary and cultural sources to examine the topics, narrative structure, and performance features of the Daṇḍa nāṭa tradition. Furthermore, the research looks at the socioeconomic and political factors that have affected the tradition's growth and durability. This study emphasises the significance of conserving and developing the Daṇḍa nāṭa tradition as an integral part of Odishan cultural heritage.</p> Laxman Majhi Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Expectations: Expected Rainy Days in India <p>An attempt has here been made on identifying the months which contain certain rainy days at 30 stations selected in India. Moreover, attempt has also been made on estimating expected number of rainy days in each of the months having certain rainy days at each of the selected 30 stations in India. The estimated values of the respective expected numbers have been computed by the application of the formulations of arithmetic expectation, geometric expectation and harmonic expectation.</p> Dhritikesh Chakrabarty Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility in Banking Sector: A Literature Review <p>For banks, CSR may be a useful marketing tactic to draw in and keep employers as well as consumers. Banking professionals should place a strong emphasis on embracing and putting CSR initiatives into practice in order to boost client happiness, loyalty, and other factors. Given that consumers are becoming more aware of their social responsibilities, corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be viewed as a successful means of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty in addition to the conventional marketing techniques of price, publicity, and advertising. Consumer perception of banks that engage in CSR efforts is expected to be favorable. As a result, this can improve the rapport between banks and clients, encourage contentment and loyalty, and offer a number of advantages. This literature review aims to explore the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the banking industry, identify the aspects of CSR that the industry needs to take into account, identify the methods used in research on the topic of CSR and the industry, and determine the advantages of implementing CSR in the industry. A total of twenty publications published between 2018 and 2022 that were quantitative in nature and used a mixed methodology were used.</p> Engida Anjulo, Chalchissa Amentie Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exam Season Stress and Student Mental Health: An International Epidemic <p>This paper examines the mounting crisis of student mental health issues stemming from extreme exam pressure, which has risen to the level of an international epidemic. Quantitative indicators make clear both the severity and global nature of the crisis. Suicide ranks as the leading cause of death for those aged 15 to 39 around the world, with over 800,000 people dying of suicide every year. Alarmingly, suicide attempts by teenagers spike during exam periods across numerous developed countries. In India, student suicide rates rose an astonishing 70% from 2011 to 2021 alone, with over 13,000 students taking their lives in 2021 or roughly 35 deaths daily. Studies directly tie as much as 8% of these suicides to exam stress. Similarly stark correlations between self-harm/suicide attempts and exam periods appear for secondary students in Canada, England, South Korea, and China which holds notoriously demanding university entrance examinations. Rates of psychiatric hospitalizations also climb among teens in Canada and England during these high-pressure exam terms. The roots of this crisis reflect the immense pressure placed on students by sociocultural attitudes framing exam success as a life-defining goal. Across Eastern and Western cultures alike, families, communities, and nations signal to youth that their value and future security depend overwhelmingly on aceing standardized tests, outcompeting peers, and gaining admission to elite institutions of higher education. Testing assumes an outsized role as the chief determinant and gateway to overall life outcomes. This pressure cooker environment breeds immense stress and anxiety while largely neglecting student emotional health and framing self-worth in reductionist terms of exam mastery. Research shows supportive school climates and teaching test-coping techniques cannot compensate fully for these engrained societal mindsets. To counter such a complex international problem, solutions must address root cultural drivers head-on through coordinated local, national, and global initiatives: reframing societal messaging around testing's purpose to students' self-concept and inherent worth; policies explicitly prioritizing student mental health alongside academic achievement; decoupling tests from automatic life trajectories; student-centered holistic learning models; family and community engagement. With concerted efforts on these sociocultural fronts combined with strong youth voices speaking out, the epidemic of examrelated stress threatening students worldwide can recede. This paper issues an urgent call to action to intervene against a truly global crisis and hidden epidemic carrying grave costs for our future generations.</p> Dr. A. Shaji George Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Promotional Mix-Elements and Sales Volume: The Case of Primary Cooperatives of Coffee Farmers in West Guji Zone <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of promotional mix elements on sales volume of primary cooperatives of Coffee farmers in West Guji Zone. Quantitative research approach and explanatory type of research design was used .The data required for this study has been gained from primary sources. For the purpose of this study a pre-designed questionnaire has been distributed to a purposeful sample of 222 member of the cooperative farmers by using Simple Random sampling techniques. SPSS was used to analyze the primary data which was collected through questionnaire. A reliability Cronbach’s Alpha to determine the reliability of the questionnaire as a tool to collect the necessary data was performed. Normality, linearity and multicollinearity were test. The data analysis was conducted through statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, correlations and multiple linear regressions. The findings of this study revealed that the frequency of promotional mix elements practice in primary cooperatives of Coffee farmers in West Guji Zone was high for advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion. There was a significant positive correlation between the five independent variables (Advertising, Sales promotion, Personal selling, Public relation and Direct marketing) and dependent variable (Sales volume). There is a statistically significant effect of the following promotional mix elements: (advertising, personal selling, public relations, Direct marketing and sales promotion) carried out by cooperative members. Therefore, the cooperative members should focus on better application of Advertising, personal selling, public relations, Direct marketing and sales promotion to increase the sale volume.</p> Dawit Udessa Gede Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Strategic Battery Autarky: Reducing Foreign Dependence in the Electric Vehicle Supply Chain <p>Over the past decade, China has emerged as a prominent player in worldwide electric vehicle battery supply chains by means of assertive financial commitments, astute acquisition of strategic mineral resources, manufacturing facilities, and technological expertise. Presently, China possesses more than fifty percent of the world's capacity to manufacture battery cells and high-nickel cathodes, which are indispensable for long-range electric vehicle batteries. Its market share for critical battery raw materials, such as lithium, cobalt, and graphite, is even more substantial, owing to its ownership of state-owned enterprises and acquisitions overseas. This degree of authority over numerous critical supply chain components grants Chinese battery behemoths such as CATL and BYD considerable sway over the pricing and availability of critical battery components. The reliance of nations on a solitary country for a critical emergent technology presents potential threats to the energy security and national security of countries aiming to convert their vehicle fleets to electric propulsion. On the contrary, countries that establish themselves as leaders in sophisticated battery technologies will gain significant economic benefits as the worldwide adoption of electric vehicles quickens. Therefore, reducing reliance on batteries manufactured in China becomes a critical strategic objective. Conversely, China's current preeminence has been methodically established throughout the previous decade, leaving limited alternatives in the immediate future. In all likelihood, the successful reconstruction of domestic battery supply chains by other nations will require five to ten years to complete. Enhanced subsidies or tax exemptions in conjunction with increased investments in domestic battery raw material refining or advanced cell/cathode manufacturing facilities are policy alternatives that can be utilized to reduce reliance on imports. Governments have the ability to ensure alternative foreign sources of critical inputs such as lithium or cobalt by establishing trade and investment partnerships with nations abundant in resources. Additionally, nations should make full use of trade remedies permitted by WTO regulations in order to combat unfair competition posed by Chinese firms that receive substantial state subsidies. In contrast, the abolition of dependence must be done so without inciting an unwarranted surge in economic nationalism. Extremely stringent regulations pertaining to battery components and materials run the risk of drastically impeding global decarbonization efforts. Over the course of the next decade, competition between China and other major economies to control the battery supply chains that are essential for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles is likely to intensify. Countries must implement policies that are proactive and consistent in order to mitigate their susceptibility to potential disruptions in supplies or fluctuations in prices. Inaction could result in China gaining permanent control over this vital emerging sector, which would have severe geopolitical and economic ramifications. Alternative options are limited, necessitating an immediate strategic effort to reestablish domestic or amicable foreign battery supply capacity.</p> Dr. A. Shaji George Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Humanoid Robots as Poultry Partners: Enhancing Welfare Through Collaboration on the Farm <p>As the global poultry industry continues expanding to meet rising demand, producers face increasing pressure to improve efficiency and welfare standards across intensive indoor farming systems. However, relentless repetitive manual labor often limits adequate optimization on both fronts simultaneously. Integrating dexterous humanoid robots promises solutions through collaborative automation of taxing husbandry duties, allowing human staff to focus efforts on oversight and holistic care. Purpose-designed with situationally adaptive accessories and advanced perception for navigating active barn environments, prototypes showcase encouraging progress automating essential tasks like monitoring equipment function, detecting mortality events, transferring chickens, and maintaining housing hygiene across initial small-scale trials. Crucially, continual real-time data gathering through multi-modal sensors during autonomous regimens generates comprehensive performance insights superior to intermittent human observations alone. By tracking quantitative health indicators, behavioral trends and environmental metrics in parallel across individual subjects and grouped flocks, emerging analytics pipelines convert endless raw sensor streams into conveniently visualized diagnostics and alerts that amplify farmer decisionmaking. This uplifted situational awareness fuels early interventions and predictive modeling unparalleled just years prior. Finding optimal balance between automation efficiency and human judgment holds the key for welfare-centric precision livestock farming. While the physical operation alone of repetitive duties by tireless robots promises relief from mounting labor shortages, the richer benefits emerge from augmented knowledge granting caretakers overview superpowers combined with surgically precise adaptations at the barn zone level. Detailed records over months uncover previously obscured influences around factors like light spectrums and genetics on optimal development. Robots thus elevate not replace human expertise. Ongoing improvements to dexterity, cognition and movement will enable robots to handle unpredictable events in complex real-world environments. Further research should examine the ideal equilibrium between assistance autonomy and human oversight across diverse systems and stages. Overall, purposeful collaboration promises profound productivity and ethical transformations on poultry farms through harmonious hybrid intelligence at scales demanding technology amplification more than just acceleration alone.</p> Dr. A. Shaji George Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000