The Cost of Convenience: How Excessive Email Use Impacts Our Health


  • Dr. A. Shaji George Independent Researcher, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • A. S. Hovan George Independent Researcher, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



Email, Stress, Productivity, Focus, Burnout, Work-life balance, Availability, Wellbeing, Communication, Knowledge work


Email has become a ubiquitous form of communication in the modern workplace. While email enables efficiency and convenience, research suggests that excessive email use can have detrimental impacts on mental and physical health. This paper reviews studies analyzing the effects of high email volume on factors like stress, focus, and work-life balance. A meta-analysis synthesizes findings from 24 studies tracking over 5,000 office workers' email habits. Results indicate that those who received over 100 emails per day had significantly higher stress hormone levels compared to the lowest email volume group. Furthermore, the high email group reported markedly higher rates of neck pain, eye strain, and sleep disturbances. These outcomes were independent of total work hours, suggesting email overuse specifically impairs wellbeing. Proposed mechanisms include constant multitasking and interruptions degrading focus and elevating frustration. The pressure to frequently check and respond to emails also blurs work-life boundaries. However, few organizations have policies around email expectations, and most individuals fail to set healthy email limits. Intervention studies limiting work email to specified times show lowered anxiety and increased engagement during focused work periods. This paper argues that while email enables convenient communication, chronic overload takes a toll on our productivity and health. Organizations should institute "email hygiene" policies that discourage expectations of constant availability. Individuals must also proactively set boundaries and develop mindfulness around email habits. Though more research is needed on long-term physical and mental health impacts, the current evidence suggests a cultural shift toward email mindfulness could substantially improve worker welfare. With email integrated into modern life, we must mitigate its overuse risks through workplace initiatives and personal practices promoting more balanced, focused usage.




How to Cite

Dr. A. Shaji George, & A. S. Hovan George. (2023). The Cost of Convenience: How Excessive Email Use Impacts Our Health . Partners Universal International Research Journal, 2(3), 139–157.


