An Analytical Study on Radiofrequency (RF) - Electromagnetic Radiation Including 5G and Its Relevance in Causing Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


  • Aakifa Shahul Student, SRM Medical College, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Fathima .A Student, Tagore medical college and hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 5G, cancer, testosterone, hormones, radiofrequency, dopamine, neurodevelopment


As the use of 5G technology grows, there are worries about the possible health risks of being exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR).This paper is about the possible risks of 5G radiation causing neurodegeneration, which can lead to more neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD. MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) antenna arrays, which have a small range at mm-wave frequencies, are used in 5G technology. This means that a large number of MIMO-enabled antenna arrays would need to be set up for 5G to work on its own, putting more people in the area at risk. ADHD is a well-known neurological developmental disorder that affects children, adolescents, and adults. Individuals with ADHD present difficulties in several domains of attention and cognitive functions, including problem-solving, planning, orienting, alerting, cognitive flexibility, sustained attention, response inhibition, and working memory. Research shows that being exposed to RF-EMF can cause a lot of damage to the neurons in the brain. This can lead to changes in memory and learning, which are symptoms of ADHD. Studies have shown that people with ADHD have less activity in a number of frontal regions. This means that there is less activity in the areas that control inhibitory and working memory processes. In line with the new research, it seems that being exposed to high levels of non-ionizing radiation while still in the womb increases the risk of ADHD. Survivors of pediatric brain tumors who are exposed to RF-EMF are also at increased risk for ADHD and related symptoms. Neuroendocrinologists can see that hormones have an effect on how behavior is organized, and more exposure to RF-EMF has been shown to cause changes in hormones. Because of how quickly cells divide and how much oxygen the mitochondria use, testicular tissues are more likely to be damaged by oxidative stress. Researchers have found that when people are exposed to RF-EMF more, their testosterone levels go up and their luteinizing hormone levels go down. High testosterone levels may make ADHD symptoms more likely by delaying the development of dopaminergic innervations and metabolism, lateralizing the underlying dopaminergic neural circuitry, and increasing the reuptake of dopamine neurotransmission. In conclusion, the growing use of 5G technology has made people worry about the possible health risks of RF-EMR exposure, especially when it comes to neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD. More research needs to be done to fully understand the possible health risks of 5G radiation and come up with ways to reduce those risks.




How to Cite

Aakifa Shahul, & Fathima .A. (2023). An Analytical Study on Radiofrequency (RF) - Electromagnetic Radiation Including 5G and Its Relevance in Causing Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Partners Universal International Research Journal, 2(1), 158–162.


